Monday, August 15, 2011

Going to get it out of my system and be positive for the rest of 2011

Am I the only person ready for 2011 to be over? I can't imagine that it is only me. I am going to complain today and 'try' to be positive for the remainder. In the past four months I have lost a baby, had to put my dear sweet kitty to sleep, my mom was diagnosed w/ a terminal brain tumor, our air conditioner/heat pump died on us and wait for it.......on top of all that our lap top died with all of our pics on it. It is at the shop now to hopefully at least get our pictures out and maybe to fix it.

So I'm definitely not going to say "what else could happen?" because I did that a week and a half ago and then the laptop died....HA!! So I will say that I am thrilled to have survived this year so far and still be sane and in one piece. Although, my husband might tell you that I am so far from sane....don't believe him. This year has sucked so far. I am now going to put my big girl pants on and face the rest of the year with a smile on my face. Just help remind me of that......... Happy Monday People!!!

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