Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raising my hand

Hello. My name is Joy and I am a shop-a-holic. Is anyone here with me? Prior to giving birth to my DD, I was addicted to buying card making/scrapbooking supplies. I did make cards and still love the idea of scrapbooking, but I just don't do it anymore.

Since having my DD, I have been addicted to shopping for her. I don't think I have bought a single thing for myself to wear since having her. This could have more to do with the fact that I haven't lost nearly the amount of weight I wanted to. Therefore, I just wear my old fat clothes or elastic waists. LOL!! My DD, however, has more clothes than I could have ever imagined. And we have quite a few baby carriers. What can I say? I love to wear her.

Help me stop this madness!!!! Any suggestions??????


  1. Uh NO! You need rehab...LOL!!! I don't like shopping so I don't have that issue, sorry. :-(

  2. I have done 95% or more on-line. My husband says that finally getting high-speed at home has cost us more money than he could have ever imagined. ;-) But he still loves me, just not my spending habits.

  3. Sorry I'm no help. I used to have a purse/handbag addiction which I recovered from cold turkey for a few years. Then I had my son 8 months ago and my addiction resurfaced as a diaper bag one. I've just purchased my 4th and he's only 8 months old. Good luck! LOL
