Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WW - almost

We're just like most parents I know in that we believe that we fail miserably in teaching, loving and disciplining our beautiful, but VERY headstrong little girl. But pics like the following make me feel much better. This was taken in Sunday School at church on Sunday morning:

She makes both her daddy and me feel so much better. And it makes me feel so proud that we are taking every opportunity to teach Celia about our Savior. And we now know that it is working very well!!!


  1. I love moments like those. Mia loves to pray and sing her Bible songs. I soak up every minute.

  2. this is PRECIOUS!! i can't even take it!

    her dress/tights/bow...all so pretty!
    what a smart girl <3
    hope you're doing well, joy!!

    1. Thanks Maria!!! She is awesome!! Love her so very much!!! Hope you are doing well too. Hope you got good news on Monday.
