Saturday, September 10, 2011

Grey's Anatomy

John and I decided to drop our satellite late last year to save money. We have the digital cable converter so we get maybe 20 or so channels, but there still isn't a whole lot that we want to watch. We have been watching TV shows on DVD that we already have. Grey's is one of my favorites and I've probably watched Season 1-6 at least 5 times since we dropped it. It's one of those shows that I can put on and surf the internet, read blogs or write blogs or go to sleep at the same time.

DD who turns 2 on 9/22 is addicted to Grey's. Isn't that hilarious? Last night she wanted me to turn it on, but we have been watching that Karaoke show on ABC so I wasn't going to put it on at all. She actually started crying and begging to watch Grey's...and she pronounces it Gays. It cracks us up. As soon as we walk in the house at night some nights she'll come in, take her shoes off, find something to drink and either go in the living room and ask for Elmo or Annie or she'll run to our bedroom and climb on the bed and scream, Gay's Mommy!!!!

Doesn't have anything to do with Celia, but how ironic is it that on July 11th I was sick and at home in the bed watching Grey's. For those of you who don't know, I took my mom to the ER on 7/12 and she was diagnosed w/ a malignant brain tumor. Would anyone like to guess what episode/season I was watching the day before???? The season where Derrick and Meredith do their clinical trial on glioblastoma brain tumors. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sitting in the cafeteria at Duke two days later with John talking about it. It just completely freaked me out.

Celia and I just watched an episode a few minutes ago after her nap and we'll probably watch a few more tonight. It could be worse..... I also like Trueblood, but won't watch it with her home.

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